Which of the following is a change from a more condensed to a less condensed state of matter?



Evaporating **


The change from a more condensed state of matter to a less condensed state refers to the transition in which particles spread out or become less tightly packed. In the given options, the change from a more condensed to a less condensed state is represented by the process of "evaporating."

To understand why this is the correct choice, we need to understand the states of matter and their relative levels of condensation. The states of matter include solid, liquid, and gas. In solids, the particles are tightly packed and have a fixed shape and volume. In liquids, the particles are still close together but can move more freely, taking the shape of their container. In gases, the particles are far apart and move freely in all directions, filling the entire space available.

Evaporation is the process in which a liquid changes to a gas. During evaporation, the particles of a liquid gain enough energy to escape the attractive forces holding them together, leading to their transition into the gaseous state. As the liquid evaporates, its particles spread out and become less densely packed, which represents a change from a more condensed (liquid) to a less condensed (gas) state of matter.

So, in summary, the correct answer is "evaporating" as it is the process where a substance changes from a more condensed (liquid) to a less condensed (gas) state.
