5. Which of the following was an effect of nativism in the United States in the 1920s?

the Great Migration
the Scopes Trial**
the Jones Act of 1917
the quota system

My answer choice is number two. I'm looking for confirmation of my answer and if I'm wrong, resources would be greatly appreciated!


the theory or doctrine that concepts, mental capacities, and mental structures are innate rather than acquired or learned.
the policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants.
"a deep vein of xenophobia and nativism"

What does the Scopes trial have to do with nativism?

I am not even remotely understanding your answer. Nativism is a a policy of favoring native inhabitants as opposed to immigrants. If I had to pick two outstanding trends of this in the 1920's, was the rise of the Klu Klux Klan, and secondly, the immigration act of 1924 (with its quota system).

Now that you know what nativism is, please use your text materials or "google" the immigration act of 1924 and the KKK to see if they might be a result of nativism.

I dont know, it must've been a lazy guess. I guess my theory that I'm legit learning nothing in online school is correct sksksk. Thank you bob and Ms. Sue.

^Reed, will do, thank you.

You're welcome.

Why aren't you learning anything online?

I think it's just because of my style of learning. If I have the opportunity to take the easy way, I most likely will (which I hate about myself). Plus, up until last year, I had been in public school my whole life. I think that public school would be the best for me education wise but where I live, there are no schools that I would want to consider, also, I have some issues with anxiety and what not (the reason I left in the first place).

Thank you for your answer. Maybe you and your parents can move to an area with better schools.

Yes, I hope so and thank you for asking. :)

Yes, your answer choice of the Scopes Trial is correct. The Scopes Trial was an effect of nativism in the United States in the 1920s. The trial, which took place in 1925, highlighted the cultural and religious tensions between nativist and progressive forces in American society.

To confirm your answer or verify any information, you can consult reliable sources such as history textbooks, reputable educational websites, or primary source documents from that time period. These sources will provide you with detailed information about the Scopes Trial and its connection to nativism in the 1920s.

If you want to learn more about the Scopes Trial and its significance as an effect of nativism, here are a few reputable resources you can explore:
1. History.com - This website provides comprehensive articles and videos on a variety of historical topics. You can search for "Scopes Trial" on the website to find an article that explains the trial's relationship to nativism.
2. National Archives - The National Archives website offers primary source documents, including trial transcripts and related materials, that can give you a deeper understanding of the Scopes Trial.
3. Library of Congress - The Library of Congress also provides access to primary source materials related to the Scopes Trial, including newspaper articles, photographs, and personal accounts.

By consulting these resources, you can confidently verify your answer and further enrich your knowledge of this important event in American history.