I have to write a 1 page paper "presenting what i believe the world is made of and explain why i believe that to be the case" and he said it doesn't deal with like water and land, so im not sure what he means, any help would be great.

Since philosophy deals with ideas and people's response to one another, I would think that your professor wants you to think about differences in ideas or likeness in ideas throughout different societies. For instance, the idea of "family" pervades through all societies... although that idea is practiced differently.

This is easy.

1) Review Dante's Divine Comedy, and his kingdoms of Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise

2) Then, T.S. Elliot's The Waste Land
3) Finally, and most important, T.S.Elliot's The Hollow Man

But I suspect your prof is looking for how you defend your ideas, more than anything.

um this was are first day of philosophy, so i don't know anything you just said bobpursley , i'm just confused in general...im not sure if i talk about that humans are what make up earth, and they have different purposes in life to obtain and stuff like that not sure though im still super confused,

If it's the first day of a new class for you, then your prof wants to see YOUR writing, YOUR thinking. Bobpursley is right, I think, in that your prof is probably looking for how you defend the statements you make.

So basically you can write anything -- just be able to back it up!

read this, and think on it.

(Broken Link Removed)

Your idea about people are what make up the earth and their different purposes is a good idea to write about.

When your assignment asks you to present what you believe the world is made of and explain why you believe that to be the case, it sounds like the focus is on a more abstract understanding of the world rather than just physical elements like water and land. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you:

1. Reflect on your beliefs: Take some time to think about your perspective on the world and what you believe it to be made of. Consider both tangible and intangible aspects such as ideas, values, emotions, or even the laws of nature.

2. Brainstorm: Make a list of the elements that you believe the world is made of. These could include concepts like love, justice, knowledge, freedom, happiness, or anything else that you find meaningful and essential to understanding the world.

3. Choose a focus: Select a few key elements from your list that you want to emphasize in your paper. It's important to have a coherent and concise argument, so focus on the beliefs that you can provide convincing reasons for.

4. Justify your beliefs: For each element you choose, explain why you believe it is an essential component of the world. Draw on personal experiences, observations, or philosophical concepts to support your reasoning. For example, if you believe that love is a fundamental aspect of the world, you might discuss how it fosters connection, empathy, and resilience.

5. Provide examples: Enhance your explanations with specific examples or anecdotes that illustrate the role and significance of the elements you believe the world is made of. This will help your readers better understand and connect with your perspective.

6. Structure your paper: Begin your paper with an introduction that presents your thesis statement, which should express what you believe the world is made of and provide a brief overview of your supporting arguments. In the body paragraphs, elaborate on each element individually, providing reasoning and examples. Finally, conclude your paper by summarizing your main points and restating why you believe in the composition you presented.

7. Edit and revise: After completing the initial draft, review your paper for clarity, coherence, and any grammatical errors. Make sure your arguments are well-reasoned and your explanations are concise.

Remember, this assignment encourages you to express your personal beliefs about the world. Use this opportunity to explore your own perspective, while also providing logical and well-supported explanations for why you hold these beliefs. Good luck with your paper!