please check this

1. English explorers like Cabot, Frobisher, and Hudson were searching for
a. the seven golden cities
b. the Great Migration
c. a Northwest Passage
d. a land rout to California
i picked C

Right! :-)

To verify your answer, let's break down the given options and evaluate them against the question.

a. The seven golden cities: This option is referring to the legend of the Seven Cities of Gold, which were believed to exist in the Americas. However, English explorers like Cabot, Frobisher, and Hudson were not specifically searching for these cities. Therefore, option a is incorrect.

b. The Great Migration: The Great Migration refers to the movement of English Puritans to the New World in the early 17th century. It is unrelated to the explorers mentioned in the question. Thus, option b is incorrect.

c. A Northwest Passage: This option refers to the primary objective of many English explorers at that time. The Northwest Passage was a theoretical water route through North America to the Pacific Ocean. Explorers such as John Cabot, Martin Frobisher, and Henry Hudson were indeed searching for a Northwest Passage. Therefore, option c is correct.

d. A land route to California: While some explorers were interested in finding a direct route to California, such as Spanish conquistadors in search of gold, it was not the main focus of English explorers like Cabot, Frobisher, and Hudson. Hence, option d is incorrect.

Based on the analysis, your answer choice c. a Northwest Passage is correct. Well done!