is the standard of education in Nigeria fallen?

Fallen? Since 1800? Since 1900? Since 1950? Since 1990?

Check these sites.

To determine whether the standard of education in Nigeria has fallen, we need to gather relevant data and analyze it. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to investigate this question:

1. Review historical data: Look into the historical trends and statistics related to education in Nigeria. This includes information such as literacy rates, school enrollment rates, and educational achievement indicators.

2. Examine international rankings: Compare Nigeria's performance in international assessments, such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) or Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), to assess the education system's standing relative to other countries.

3. Analyze government reports: Review official reports and statements from the Nigerian government regarding their education policies and initiatives. This may provide insights into their assessment of the education system and any actions taken to address shortcomings.

4. Consult academic research: Look for studies or academic papers that have investigated the standard of education in Nigeria. These sources often provide detailed analysis, data, and expert opinions on the topic.

5. Consider multiple perspectives: Get feedback from various stakeholders, such as educators, students, parents, and education experts. Their perspectives and experiences can offer valuable insights into the current state of education.

Remember, determining the standard of education requires an in-depth analysis, and it is important to consider multiple sources of information to obtain a holistic view.