What connections existed between Gorbachev's desire to improve the soviet union and the soviet unions relationship to the united states?

Gorbachev wanted to export manufactured goods to the United states
Gorbachev wanted to invest in a new weapons systems with the united states
Their relationship had to improve for the Soviets to attract American buisnesses
Their relationship had to improve for the Soviets to reduce military spending.

Was it A or B?

In truth, it was C. The Soviet economy was stagnated, and in a tailspin.


Thank you

Based on the information you provided, neither option A nor option B accurately describes the connection between Gorbachev's desire to improve the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union's relationship with the United States.

The correct answer is:

Their relationship had to improve for the Soviets to attract American businesses and reduce military spending.

To understand the connection between Gorbachev's desire to improve the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union's relationship with the United States, it is important to look at the historical context of the time. In the 1980s, the Soviet Union was facing significant economic challenges and stagnation. Gorbachev implemented a series of reforms known as perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness) to address these issues.

One major goal of Gorbachev's reforms was to attract foreign investment and improve the Soviet economy. To achieve this, the Soviet Union needed to improve its relationship with the United States, as American businesses and investors were crucial for foreign direct investment. Gorbachev hoped that by improving relations with the United States, it would lead to increased trade and economic opportunities between the two countries, including the export of Soviet manufactured goods. Therefore, option A, stating that Gorbachev wanted to export manufactured goods to the United States, is accurate.

Additionally, Gorbachev recognized the immense burden that defense spending placed on the Soviet economy. He intended to reduce military expenditure and shift resources towards domestic needs. However, to effectively reduce military spending, it was crucial to improve relations with the United States. By building trust and reducing tensions between the two superpowers, Gorbachev aimed to negotiate arms control agreements with the United States, which would allow for the reduction and limitation of nuclear weapons. Therefore, option B, stating that their relationship had to improve for the Soviets to reduce military spending, is also accurate.

To recap, Gorbachev's desire to improve the Soviet Union was directly connected to the Soviet Union's relationship with the United States. By improving relations with the United States, Gorbachev sought to attract American businesses and investors, as well as negotiate arms control agreements to reduce military spending. Both of these objectives were crucial for the economic and political transformation of the Soviet Union.