About the French Revolution.

You are a member of the Third Estate.
Prepare a speech for the meeting of the Estates General, explaining all your problems.

Minimum 300 words

Interesting assignment. What have you written?


Im clueless...

Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.

You should find ideas in your textbook, classnotes, and here:

Please post what you think and write.

I know, i just wanted to find out a little more about the french revolution, and im clueless, that's all

and that i don't have a textbook, nor any notes,


As a member of the Third Estate, I would like to address the meeting of the Estates General to shed light on the numerous issues we face as the majority of the population in France. It is imperative that we acknowledge and tackle these problems head-on in order to achieve a fair and just society.

Firstly, one of our primary concerns is the burden of heavy taxation. Our class, comprising mainly of peasants, laborers, and the urban working class, suffers under the weight of exorbitant taxes imposed upon us by the ruling classes. These taxes, coupled with the rising prices of food and basic necessities, have pushed many of our fellow countrymen into poverty and destitution. It is necessary for our voice to be heard to bring about tax reforms that enhance equity and alleviate the economic strain on the Third Estate.

Additionally, we endure widespread inequality and social injustice. The feudal system, which still persists in parts of France, perpetuates an unfair distribution of wealth and power. The noble and clergy classes enjoy privileges such as exemption from taxes, while the burden is disproportionately placed on our shoulders. This inequality and lack of social mobility prevent us from bettering our lives and providing a better future for our children. The Estates General must address this issue and work towards creating a society in which everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.

Furthermore, our lack of political representation poses a significant challenge. The Estates General, which brings together representatives from all three estates, should be a platform for the voices of the common people to be heard. However, the archaic voting system that grants each estate a single vote, regardless of its size, effectively diminishes the influence of the Third Estate. We demand a fair system of representation based on the principle of one person, one vote, ensuring that our concerns are given the attention they deserve.

Lastly, the freedom of speech and press is severely curtailed under the current regime. Our ability to discuss and debate our problems, as well as seek solutions, is hindered by strict censorship laws. In order for the Third Estate to actively participate in shaping the future of our nation, we must be granted the fundamental rights to freely express our opinions and share information without fear of persecution.

In conclusion, the Third Estate faces a myriad of challenges ranging from economic hardships to social inequality and political marginalization. It is imperative that the Estates General take these issues seriously and work together to bring about meaningful change. By addressing the taxation system, rectifying social injustices, reforming the voting system, and ensuring freedom of speech, we can lay the foundation for a fairer and more equitable society for all. Let us seize this opportunity to shape the future of our nation and secure a better life for ourselves and future generations.