When your boss at a job calls you into the office, And asks you why should i give you a raise? whats a good asnswer to this question

Assuming you are worth a raise, tell him or her that a raise will keep you from looking for another job. (If I had a boss that went about giving raises that way, I'd be looking for another job.)

On second thought, in today's poor job market, that may not be a good idea.

If you want to keep the job, and get a decent raise, be prepared to list the things you have done that have contributed to the success (profits) of the company.

Yes, the most important thing to that boss will be knowing what you have done for the company. How have you made him/her look good, without stating that! It won't hurt to also mention some things you can still do for the company, without letting him/her steal your ideas and take credit for them. Some bosses will take credit for their employees' work because his/her own job security is more important to him/her.


When your boss asks you why they should give you a raise, it's essential to provide a well-thought-out response that highlights your value and contributions to the company. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to craft a good answer:

1. Reflect on your achievements: Think about your accomplishments, projects you've successfully completed, and any positive impacts you've made in your role. Consider both quantitative and qualitative data, such as meeting targets, improving processes, or receiving positive feedback.

2. Prepare specific examples: Select a few concrete examples that illustrate your skills, dedication, and positive impact. These examples could include exceeding sales targets, solving complex problems, or leading successful projects.

3. Showcase your skills and expertise: Highlight the valuable skills and knowledge you possess that have contributed to your success and the company's growth. Focus on areas where you excel and differentiate yourself from your peers.

4. Emphasize your commitment: Demonstrate your commitment to the company's goals and mission. Talk about your willingness to go the extra mile, take on additional responsibilities, or improve your skills through training and development.

5. Research industry standards: Do some research on salary ranges for similar roles in your industry or organization. This will provide you with an understanding of the market value for your position, ensuring your request is reasonable and realistic.

6. Communicate confidently and respectfully: When presenting your case, maintain a confident and professional demeanor. Clearly articulate your points, be respectful, and avoid being defensive or confrontational.

7. Provide a clear and concise summary: Summarize your achievements, skills, and commitment in a concise manner, reiterating why you believe you deserve a raise.

Remember, it's important to be prepared, confident, and objective when discussing a raise with your boss. Approach the conversation as an opportunity to showcase your value and justify your request based on your contributions to the company's success.