Which direct object pronoun fits best?

Estudiante: Hola profesora. No entiendo. Ud. '1. ' ayuda por favor?
Profesora: Sí. ¿Cómo '2. ' puedo ayudar? Tú eres muy trabajador.

Opcion = me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, las Mi responder: 1. me
2. te

For the first blank, the direct object pronoun that fits best is "me." This is because the student is asking for the teacher's help, so the pronoun "me" is used to indicate that the help is being sought by the speaker (the student).

For the second blank, the direct object pronoun that fits best is "te." This is because the teacher is asking how they can help the student, so the pronoun "te" is used to indicate that the help is being offered to the person being addressed (the student).