Please help

Claim lead in drinking water with harm humans
Which of the following is support this claim
a. After use water that contain high level of lead, people note that their toothbrush turned yellow
b. After use water that contain high level of lead, people report a metallic taste
c. After use water that contain high level of lead, people report leaking pipes
d. After use water that contain high level of lead, people began to experience joint pain
I think the answer number c. but I am not sure. Please help! thanks

First, the "claim" makes no sense. If it's supposed to be that drinking water with a high lead content is bad for people, C is not the answer. Are pipes people?

do you think that is c the correct answer


I mean d

To identify which of the options supports the claim that lead in drinking water can harm humans, we need to look for evidence of the negative effects of lead exposure specifically related to drinking water. Let's evaluate each option:

a. After using water that contains a high level of lead, people note that their toothbrush turned yellow.