Essay question: How does playing violent video games influence violence in those who play them?

Playing violent video games influence violence in those who play them?

*Those who play them: I clarified my audience to specifically adolescents because young adolescents ages thirteen to nineteen are in their curiosity stage. Everything seems interesting and fun. Who wouldn't want to play video games, but not just video games, one that may have some violence in it.

- My Question is: I need help with some strong points for my essay. I've struggled with essays because I tend to put broader topics and don't break down. So what are some specifics with does playing violent video games influence adolescents who play video games?

Read lots. You should get some good ideas.

When exploring the influence of playing violent video games on adolescents, it's important to consider various aspects and potential arguments. Here are some specific points to address in your essay:

1. Desensitization: Adolescents who frequently play violent video games may become desensitized to real-life violence. Exposure to violent content in games could make them less sensitive or empathetic towards violence in the real world. This desensitization might influence their behavior, leading to increased aggression or a higher tolerance for violence.

2. Aggressive behavior: Research shows a correlation between playing violent video games and increased levels of aggression in adolescents. This aggression may manifest in various ways, such as demonstrating more hostile attitudes, engaging in physical fights, or displaying a lack of self-control and increased impulsive behavior.

3. Behavioral modeling: Adolescents are in a stage of development where they are highly influenced by their surroundings, including media. Violent video games often involve characters engaging in aggressive behavior, and consistently observing and imitating these actions may lead to adolescents adopting similar aggressive tendencies in their own lives.

4. Emotional arousal: Violent video games can trigger emotional arousal in players due to the intense and immersive nature of the content. This heightened emotional state, combined with the aggressive content, may lead to an increased likelihood of impulsive and aggressive behavior after gameplay.

5. Academic performance and social skills: Engaging excessively in violent video games can lead to a decline in academic performance and social skills among adolescents. Spending excessive time with these games may limit opportunities for other activities, such as studying or socializing, which are crucial for cognitive and social development.

6. Gender stereotypes and attitudes: Some studies suggest that playing violent video games may reinforce gender stereotypes and influence the attitudes of adolescents towards women and aggression. Adolescents who frequently play these games may internalize sexist beliefs, perceiving women as victims or objects of aggression.

Remember to support your points with evidence from reliable sources such as scientific studies, peer-reviewed articles, and expert opinions. Analyzing the specific impact of violent video games on adolescents will add depth and focus to your essay, making it more compelling and informative.