Identify the sentence that correctly uses an ellipsis.

A) "His. . .to cooperate with the police and name the culprit. . .resulted in his arrest."
B) "His refusal to cooperate with the police and name the culprit. . .resulted in his arrest."
C) "His refusal to cooperate with the police and name the culprit. . .resulted in his arrest. . ."
D) ". . . refusal to cooperate with the police and name the culprit. . .resulted in his arrest. . . ."

I think it is b.

I agree with you.

Writeacher is absolutely incorrect what a disgrace smh.

Actually, the correct answer is D) ". . . refusal to cooperate with the police and name the culprit. . . resulted in his arrest. . . ." The ellipsis is used correctly in this sentence because it indicates that some content has been omitted, while still maintaining the grammatical structure of the sentence.

To identify the sentence that correctly uses an ellipsis, we need to understand what an ellipsis is. An ellipsis is a punctuation mark that is used to indicate the omission of words or a pause in speech. It is represented by three consecutive periods (...).

Now, let's take a look at each of the given options:

A) "His. . .to cooperate with the police and name the culprit. . .resulted in his arrest."
In this sentence, the ellipsis is incorrectly placed. It appears after "His" and "culprit" without any omission in between.

B) "His refusal to cooperate with the police and name the culprit. . .resulted in his arrest."
This sentence correctly uses an ellipsis. The ellipsis appears after "culprit," indicating the omission of words.

C) "His refusal to cooperate with the police and name the culprit. . .resulted in his arrest. . ."
In this sentence, two consecutive ellipses are used at the end, which is incorrect.

D) ". . . refusal to cooperate with the police and name the culprit. . .resulted in his arrest. . . ."
This sentence uses multiple ellipses, which is unnecessary. It is also incorrect to use an ellipsis at the beginning of a sentence without an immediate preceding text.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) "His refusal to cooperate with the police and name the culprit. . .resulted in his arrest."