Given that a­­^b = x, evaluate the following: a^b+2

a­­^b = x

a^b + 2 = x + 2

If your question mean:

Given that aᵇ = x, evaluate the following: aᵇ⁺²


aᵐ⁺ⁿ = aᵐ ∙ aⁿ

In this case:

aᵇ⁺² = aᵇ ∙ a² = x ∙ a²

To evaluate a^b+2, we can use the property of exponentiation where a^m * a^n = a^(m + n).

In this case, a^b+2 can be rewritten as a^b * a^2.

Since we are given a^b = x, we substitute x into the expression:

a^b+2 = x * a^2.

So, to evaluate a^b+2, you need to multiply x by a^2.