For a wedding, Shereda bought several dozen

roses and several dozen carnations. The roses
cost $15 per dozen, and the carnations cost $8
per dozen. Shereda bought a total of 17 dozen
flowers and paid a total of $192. How many
roses did she buy?
A 6 dozen
B 7 dozen
C 8 dozen
D 9 dozen

Let X be the number of dozen roses.
17-X is the number of dozen carnations.
15 X + 8(17-X) = 192
7 X = 192 - 136 = 56
Solve that for X


To find the number of dozens of roses Shereda bought, we can use the equation:

15X + 8(17 - X) = 192

Simplify the equation by distributing 8 to both terms inside the parentheses:

15X + 136 - 8X = 192

Combine like terms:

7X + 136 = 192

Now, isolate the variable by subtracting 136 from both sides:

7X = 192 - 136

7X = 56

Finally, solve for X by dividing both sides by 7:

X = 56 / 7

X = 8

Therefore, Shereda bought 8 dozen roses. So the answer is option C: 8 dozen.