The sum of three consecutive integers is negative 147.find the three integers

If the numbers were 1, 2, and 3 that would fit the criteria of three consecutive integers. We know that 1 + 2 + 3 does not equal 147 but it is a starting place.

If you let x be the smallest integer. Then we see the next is one number bigger... so x + 1, and the final integer is two numbers bigger than the first so x + 3
147 = x + x + 1 + x+ 2
and solve for x then sub it back into the three let statements.


What to do next

Thank you so much teacher

You are very welcome! Enjoy your day : )

To find the three consecutive integers, let's assume the first integer is represented by "x". Since they are consecutive, the second integer will be "x + 1", and the third integer will be "x + 2".

According to the given information, the sum of these three integers is -147. We can write this information as an equation:

x + (x + 1) + (x + 2) = -147

Simplifying the equation:

3x + 3 = -147

Now, we can isolate "x" by subtracting 3 from both sides of the equation:

3x = -150

Dividing both sides by 3:

x = -50

Now that we have the value of "x", we can find the three consecutive integers:

First integer: -50
Second integer: -50 + 1 = -49
Third integer: -50 + 2 = -48

So, the three integers are -50, -49, and -48.

Take the 3 to the side that has the number...

- 147 = 3x + 3
So if you balance it off
- 147 - 3 = 3x +3 - 3
-150 = 3x
.... and you can solve for x