In another attempt to determine the height of the flagpole, a metre stick was placed vertically beside the flagpole. When the flagpole’s shadow was 36.72 m long, the metre stick’s shadow was 3.06 m long. Find the height of the flagpole.

the shadows are PROPORTIONAL to the heights

1 m / 3.06 m = f / 36.72 m

In order to find the height of the flagpole, we can use the concept of similar triangles.

Let's consider the height of the flagpole as "h" and the length of the flagpole's shadow as "x". Similarly, let's consider the length of the meter stick as "m" and the length of its shadow as "s".

We are given that the flagpole's shadow (x) is 36.72 m long, and the meter stick's shadow (s) is 3.06 m long.

From the information given, we can form the proportion:

h/x = m/s

Substituting the given values, we get:

h/36.72 = 1/3.06

To solve for h, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

h = (36.72 * 1) / 3.06

h ≈ 12 meters

Therefore, the height of the flagpole is approximately 12 meters.