1. Why did Henry the Navigator sponsor voyages of exploration?

A. To establish colonies in the Americas

B. To find better trade routes to Asia

C. To search for gold and other riches

D. To engage in the triangular trade

Please help me I have no idea!

B. To find better trade routes to Asia.

Henry the Navigator sponsored voyages of exploration in order to find better trade routes to Asia. During the 15th century, the Ottoman Empire monopolized the trade routes to Asia. Henry believed that finding an alternative route around Africa would give Portugal an advantage in the lucrative spice trade. Thus, he sponsored expeditions along the western coast of Africa, which eventually led to the discovery of new territories and the establishment of Portuguese colonies.

To determine why Henry the Navigator sponsored voyages of exploration, we can start by eliminating the options that are not relevant.

Option A: To establish colonies in the Americas.
This option can be eliminated because Henry the Navigator was focused on exploring the coast of West Africa, not establishing colonies in the Americas.

Option D: To engage in the triangular trade.
This option can also be eliminated because the triangular trade involved the exchange of goods between Europe, Africa, and the Americas, which was not the primary purpose of Henry the Navigator's voyages.

Now we are left with options B and C:

B. To find better trade routes to Asia.
C. To search for gold and other riches.

To determine which of these is the correct answer, we can consider the historical context. During the 15th century, Europe was seeking new trade routes to Asia since the established routes were controlled by Muslim powers. Additionally, Europe had a growing demand for valuable commodities such as spices, silk, and precious metals.

Given this context, option B is the most accurate. Henry the Navigator sponsored voyages of exploration to find better trade routes to Asia, bypassing the Muslim-controlled routes and accessing valuable goods directly.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. To find better trade routes to Asia.


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