So I have a cylinder and I have to find the volume to surface ratio, the measurements are Radius: 2cm Height: 1.5 cm. I have volume of 18.84 and a Surface area of 225.47. Would the ratio be 18.84:225.47?

volume = πr^2h = π(4)(1.5) = 6π cm^3

surface area = 2 circles + a rectangle = 2πr^2 + 2πrh
= 2π(4) + 2π(2)(1.5)
= 8π + 6π = 14π cm^2

volume : surface area = 6π cm^3 : 14π cm^2 = 3 cm^3 : 7 cm^2

Usually ratios are expressed using the same units, which is not
possible here

how did you get 225.47 for the SA ??

well, yeah.

To find the volume to surface ratio of a cylinder, you need to divide the volume of the cylinder by its surface area.

In your case, you mentioned that the volume of the cylinder is 18.84 cubic centimeters (cm³), and the surface area is 225.47 square centimeters (cm²). Therefore, to calculate the volume to surface ratio, you should divide the volume by the surface area:

Ratio = Volume / Surface Area
Ratio = 18.84 cm³ / 225.47 cm²

Now, it's important to note that the dimensions of volume and surface area may use different units. To ensure accurate results, make sure the units are consistent.

In this scenario, both the volume and surface area are measured in cubic centimeters (cm³) and square centimeters (cm²) respectively, which is consistent, so you can proceed with the calculation.

Dividing the volume by the surface area, we get:

Ratio = 18.84 cm³ / 225.47 cm² ≈ 0.0837

Therefore, the volume to surface ratio is approximately 0.0837. It is not represented as 18.84:225.47, but rather as a decimal value.