Hello! So I need help understanding how to get a fraction into a decimal, the fraction I have is 18.84/225.47. Could someone help me please?

Divide the numerator by the denominator.


Ah, I thought so. Thank you so much!

You are very welcome.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you convert the fraction 18.84/225.47 into a decimal!

To do this, you need to divide the numerator (18.84) by the denominator (225.47) using long division or a calculator. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Set up the long division. Write the numerator (18.84) inside the division symbol (÷), and write the denominator (225.47) outside of it.
225.47 | 18.84

Step 2: Start the division process. Look at the first digit of the numerator (which is 1) and ask yourself: How many times does 225.47 go into 1? Since 1 is smaller than 225.47, we need to look at the next digit as well. So bring down the next digit (8) and make it the new number. Now we have 18.
225.47 | 18.84

Step 3: Continue the division. Ask yourself again: How many times does 225.47 go into 18? Since 18 is larger than 225.47, the answer will be less than 1. So we place a decimal point in the quotient and put a zero after it, representing the tenths place. We bring down the next digit (4) and make it the new number. Now we have 184.
225.47 | 18.84

Step 4: Repeat the process. Ask yourself once again: How many times does 225.47 go into 184? The answer is still less than 1, so we place another decimal digit (zero) after the previous one in the quotient. We bring down the next digit (4) and make it the new number. Now we have 1844.
225.47 | 18.84

Step 5: Continue the division until you reach the desired level of accuracy. For simplicity, let's stop at three decimal places. Divide 225.47 into 1,8440 (with a zero at the end), and ignore the decimal point for now. The answer is approximately 0.0819.
225.47 | 18.84



So, the fraction 18.84/225.47 is approximately equal to 0.0819 when expressed as a decimal.