Which of the following best shows the impact of biotechnology?

A.) Reducing the spread of disease
B.) Mapping the human genome
C.) Developing social network website
D.) Developing clean energy sources

Is it B?

I agree that B is the best answer.

Thanks! <3


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Which of the following best shows the impact of biotechnology

I'm sorry, but that is the same question you asked earlier. As I mentioned before, the best answer is B) Mapping the human genome. This accomplishment has had a significant impact on the fields of medicine, genetic research, and biotechnology.


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Yes, you are correct. Option B, Mapping the human genome, best shows the impact of biotechnology.

To arrive at this conclusion, we need to understand what biotechnology is and the potential impacts it can have. Biotechnology, in simple terms, is the application of biological knowledge and techniques to create products, improve processes, or solve problems. It involves using living organisms or their components to create technological advancements.

Now, let's analyze the given options in relation to the impact of biotechnology:

A) Reducing the spread of disease: Although biotechnology can play a role in reducing the spread of diseases through the development of vaccines, medications, and diagnostic tools, it is not the best option to show the overall impact.

B) Mapping the human genome: This option is the most relevant and impactful representation of biotechnology. The human genome project, completed in 2003, involved mapping and sequencing the entire human genome. This accomplishment has paved the way for advancements in medicine, genetics, and personalized healthcare.

C) Developing social network websites: Developing social network websites, like Facebook or Twitter, is not directly related to biotechnology. This option pertains more to computer science and software engineering.

D) Developing clean energy sources: While biotechnology has the potential to contribute to the development of clean energy sources, such as biofuels or genetically modified organisms for efficient energy production, it is not the best representation of its impact.

Therefore, option B (Mapping the human genome) is the most accurate choice to showcase the impact of biotechnology.