What is the relation between pH and pOH? Is the relation positive, negative or neutral?

pH + pOH = pKw = 1E14

So what does that mean exactly?

The relation between pH and pOH is negative. pH and pOH are both measurements used to quantify the acidity or basicity of a solution. pH measures the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution, while pOH measures the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) in a solution.

The pH and pOH scales are logarithmic scales, which means that a change in one unit represents a tenfold change in the concentration of the ions. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with pH 7 considered neutral, values below 7 considered acidic, and values above 7 considered basic. Similarly, the pOH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with pOH 7 considered neutral, values below 7 considered basic, and values above 7 considered acidic.

The relation between pH and pOH is given by the equation:
pH + pOH = 14

Therefore, if the pH of a solution decreases, the pOH value will increase, and vice versa. For example, if the pH of a solution decreases from 5 to 4 (becomes more acidic), the pOH will increase from 9 to 10 (becomes more basic). This inverse relationship between pH and pOH is a fundamental aspect of aqueous solutions.