in lincolns second inaugural adress he says with malice toward none with charity for all what does this quote reveal about lincolns attitude toward the south

a. forgiveness

b. hatred

c. indifference

d. envy

Do you know the meaning of "malice"?

What do you think the quote means?

The quote "with malice toward none, with charity for all" from Lincoln's second inaugural address reveals his attitude towards the South as one of forgiveness, option (a). He uses language that suggests he holds no ill will or resentment towards the South, instead emphasizing the importance of healing and moving forward as a united nation.

The quote "with malice toward none, with charity for all" from Lincoln's second inaugural address reveals his attitude of forgiveness towards the South. This sentiment suggests that Lincoln did not harbor any feelings of hatred or enmity towards the people of the South, despite the devastation and loss caused by the Civil War. Instead, he promoted a philosophy of reconciliation and forgiveness, indicating his willingness to work towards healing the nation and unifying the country after the war. Therefore, the correct answer is option a. forgiveness.