Explain why polk was able to win the presidency. What did he campaign in support of?

I mean i did the first question the explain how he was able to win the presidency but i don't understand the second question? Can someone help me please?

President Trump campaigned on the slogan, "Make America Great Again." This site discusses Polk's campaign slogan.


Oh ok thank you Ms.Sue

You are welcome.

Certainly! The second question asks what Polk campaigned in support of during his presidential campaign. To answer this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Look up James K. Polk's presidency and his campaign principles: Start by researching the key aspects of Polk's presidency and his campaign promises. You can find this information in reliable sources such as history books or reputable websites.

2. Identify Polk's campaign platform: Look for information about the specific issues or policies that Polk focused on during his campaign. This may include his stance on topics such as territorial expansion, internal improvements, tariffs, or any other significant issues of his time.

3. Analyze his campaign speeches and literature: Explore primary sources such as Polk's speeches, campaign literature, and newspaper articles from that era to understand the main messages he conveyed to voters. His campaign documents will provide insights into the issues he prioritized and the goals he aimed to achieve if elected.

4. Compare Polk's positions with contemporary events: Consider the political climate and major events that occurred during Polk's campaign. Analyze how his positions on important issues aligned with the concerns and aspirations of the American people at that time.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather information and gain a clear understanding of what Polk campaigned in support of during his presidential bid.