how would you write a program that translates an alphabetic phone number into numeric form

enter phone number: CALLATT

I was given a website for help. However, it didn't help.

I would use a table lookup, for speed, do a binary search of the letters.

Many other options exist: IF tests can be used.

I don't know much about C. What you might want to do is see if you can take the input "CALLATT" and break it up into 7 different letters. Then have each letter assigned a numeric value.


To write a program that translates an alphabetic phone number into numeric form, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a mapping between alphabetic letters and their corresponding numeric values. You can either use a table lookup or set up a series of `if` statements.

2. Take the input phone number as a string.

3. Loop through each character in the input phone number.

4. Check if the character is alphabetic. You can use the `isalpha` function in C to do this check.

5. If the character is alphabetic, convert it to uppercase using the `toupper` function in C.

6. Use the mapping you created in step 1 to find the numeric value corresponding to the alphabetic letter.

7. Append the numeric value to a result string or print it immediately.

8. After processing all characters in the input phone number, you will have the translated numeric form of the phone number.

Here is an example code snippet in C that implements this logic:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main() {
// Mapping between alphabetic letters and numeric values
char mapping[] = "22233344455566677778889999";

// Input phone number as a string
char phone_number[] = "CALLATT";

// Result string to store the translated numeric form of the phone number
char numeric_form[sizeof(phone_number)];
int i;

// Loop through each character in the input phone number
for (i = 0; phone_number[i] != '\0'; i++) {
// Check if the character is alphabetic
if (isalpha(phone_number[i])) {
// Convert to uppercase
char uppercase_letter = toupper(phone_number[i]);

// Get the numeric value corresponding to the alphabetic letter
char numeric_value = mapping[uppercase_letter - 'A'];

// Append the numeric value to the result string
numeric_form[i] = numeric_value;
} else {
// If the character is not alphabetic, copy it as is
numeric_form[i] = phone_number[i];

// Null-terminate the result string
numeric_form[i] = '\0';

printf("Translated numeric form: %s\n", numeric_form);

return 0;

In this example, the mapping is done using a simple string where each index corresponds to the alphabetic letter's position in the English alphabet. For example, `mapping[0]` represents the numeric value for 'A', `mapping[1]` for 'B', and so on.

The program takes the input phone number as the `phone_number` string and translates it into the `numeric_form` string. It then prints the translated numeric form to the console.

Feel free to modify the code to fit your needs or experiment with different approaches to achieve the same result.