1. How did ranchers show ownership of the cattle? *

1 point
They would put them in a pen near their home.
They would brand them.
They would tie them up and keep them nearby***
They would fence them in on their property.

2. The growth of the railroads united Texas because they made travel, communication, and commerce easier and faster. *
1 point

3. How was the reservation system harmful to the American Indians? (Choose two) *
2 points
Hunters killed the buffalo and eliminated their major food source***
They were able to move onto the frontier.
It allowed for the growth of the agricultural industry.***
They were pushed off of their homelands

4. Why did the United States enter WWI? *
1 point
the bombing of Pear Harbor***
the sinking of ships carrying US passengers and the Zimmerman note
the alliance between the US and Russia
the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungry

5. What was the largest cash crop in the early 1920s? *
1 point

6. Which major reform regarding voting was made as a result of the progressive reform movement? *
1 point
a law regarding federal minimum voting age
a law determining how precincts were created
an amendment that gave women the right to vote***
an amendment affecting how governors were elected

7. Which of these describe the Great Depression? (Choose all that apply) *
3 points
left many people homeless and without jobs***
did not affect Texas as much as other states
a breakout of disease that affects people worldwide***
severe economic recession that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939***

8. What was the main human error that caused the Dust Bowl? *
1 point
fencing off the plains with barbed wire
introducing a new breed of cattle to the coastal plains
overproduction of oil***
plowing up large areas of land and planting crops not suited to the land.

9. The Galveston Hurricane of 1900 is the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history. *
1 point

10. Tenant farmers and sharecroppers stayed in a cycle of _____________ to the land owners. *
1 point

The ones with *** are the ones i think are it but i don't think there right can someone check over them.

Why don't you think they are right? Did you check your answers with the text? Better yet -- did you study the text BEFORE you tried to answer any questions about it?

What was branding cattle for?

I was at Pearl Harbor. I was not alive during WW1.
Number 8 ????
Hey, read the text !!

At least half of your guesses are wrong.

Please study BEFORE you post here and waste the time of tutors!

And read "Grapes of Wrath".

1. How did ranchers show ownership of the cattle?

The correct answer is: They would brand them.

To show ownership of their cattle, ranchers would brand them by burning a distinctive mark onto their hide. This practice allowed ranchers to easily identify their cattle and protect them from theft or disputes over ownership.

2. The growth of the railroads united Texas because they made travel, communication, and commerce easier and faster.

The correct answer is: True.

The growth of the railroads in Texas did indeed unite the state by making travel, communication, and commerce more efficient and accessible. Railroads provided a faster and more reliable means of transportation, enabling people and goods to move across the vastness of Texas more easily.

3. How was the reservation system harmful to the American Indians? (Choose two)

The correct answers are: Hunters killed the buffalo and eliminated their major food source, and they were pushed off their homelands.

The reservation system had several negative effects on American Indians. The hunting of buffalo, a major food source for many tribes, was significantly reduced by hunters, causing widespread food scarcity. Additionally, Native Americans were pushed off their ancestral lands and forced to live on often undesirable reservations, disrupting their way of life and cultural heritage.

4. Why did the United States enter WWI?

The correct answer is: The sinking of ships carrying US passengers and the Zimmerman note.

The United States entered World War I due to several reasons, but the immediate triggers were the sinking of ships carrying American passengers by German submarines and the discovery of the Zimmerman note. The Zimmerman note was a secret message from Germany to Mexico that proposed an alliance against the United States. These events, coupled with ongoing tensions and German aggression, led the United States to declare war on Germany in 1917.

5. What was the largest cash crop in the early 1920s?

The correct answer is: Cotton.

During the early 1920s, cotton was the largest cash crop in many parts of the United States, including Texas. Cotton production was highly profitable, and it played a significant role in the agricultural economy during that period.

6. Which major reform regarding voting was made as a result of the progressive reform movement?

The correct answer is: An amendment that gave women the right to vote.

As a result of the progressive reform movement, the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified in 1920, granting women the right to vote. This was a major milestone in the fight for suffrage and political equality.

7. Which of these describe the Great Depression? (Choose all that apply)

The correct answers are: Left many people homeless and without jobs, and severe economic recession that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939.

The Great Depression was a devastating economic downturn that affected many countries, including the United States. It resulted in widespread unemployment, homelessness, and poverty. The economic recession started in 1929 with the stock market crash and lasted until the late 1930s.

8. What was the main human error that caused the Dust Bowl?

The correct answer is: Plowing up large areas of land and planting crops not suited to the land.

The Dust Bowl, a severe environmental disaster during the 1930s, was primarily caused by human actions. Farmers plowed up large areas of land in the Great Plains and planted crops, particularly wheat, which wasn't suitable for the region's dry climate and fragile soil. This improper land use, combined with drought and poor farming practices, led to widespread erosion and dust storms.

9. The Galveston Hurricane of 1900 is the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history.

The correct answer is: True.

The Galveston Hurricane of 1900 is indeed considered the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history. It struck the Texas coast, particularly the city of Galveston, causing significant destruction, loss of life, and extensive damage. An estimated 8,000 to 12,000 people lost their lives in the hurricane.

10. Tenant farmers and sharecroppers stayed in a cycle of _____________ to the landowners.

The correct answer is: Debt.

Both tenant farmers and sharecroppers often found themselves trapped in a cycle of debt to the landowners. They would rent or lease land from the landowners and, in exchange, give a portion of their harvest as payment. However, due to various factors such as unfair contracts and low crop prices, it was common for tenant farmers and sharecroppers to accumulate debt that they struggled to repay, perpetuating their dependence on the landowners.