which of the following rivers have deltas: mississippi, orinoco, amazon,Nile, Chang Jiang( Yangtze), and Making?

Do they all have deltas??



What do you think?


Right! All of those rivers have deltas.

To determine which of the listed rivers have deltas, we need to understand what a delta is. A delta is a landform created at the mouth of a river where it meets an ocean, sea, lake, or another river, and sediment deposits build up over time.

Let's go through each river and identify whether or not they have deltas:

1. Mississippi River: Yes, it has a delta. The Mississippi River forms a large delta in the United States, commonly referred to as the Mississippi River Delta.

2. Orinoco River: Yes, it has a delta. The Orinoco River in South America also forms a delta where it meets the Atlantic Ocean.

3. Amazon River: Yes, it has a delta. The Amazon River, located in Brazil, creates a massive delta when it enters the Atlantic Ocean.

4. Nile River: Yes, it has a delta. The Nile River in North Africa forms a significant delta in Egypt before flowing into the Mediterranean Sea.

5. Chang Jiang (Yangtze): Yes, it has a delta. The Chang Jiang, also known as the Yangtze River, forms a delta where it empties into the East China Sea.

6. Mekong River: Yes, it has a delta. The Mekong River in Southeast Asia creates a delta in Vietnam as it flows into the South China Sea.

Therefore, all the listed rivers - the Mississippi, Orinoco, Amazon, Nile, Chang Jiang (Yangtze), and Mekong - have deltas.