A cell phone company charges $0.28 for each text message. Paula plans to spend no more than $5.00 on text messages next month. Write and solve an inequality to find how many text messages she will be able to send.

0.28x <- 5.00

x <- ?

To find out how many text messages Paula will be able to send, we need to set up an inequality using the given information.

Let's assume Paula sends x text messages.

The cost of sending each text message is $0.28, so the total cost of x text messages would be:

Total cost = $0.28 * x

Since Paula plans to spend no more than $5.00 on text messages next month, we can set up the inequality:

$0.28 * x ≤ $5.00

To solve this inequality, we divide both sides of the inequality by $0.28 to isolate x:

($0.28 * x) / $0.28 ≤ $5.00 / $0.28

Simplifying, we have:

x ≤ $5.00 / $0.28

x ≤ 17.86

Therefore, Paula will be able to send a maximum of 17 text messages next month in order to stay within her budget of $5.00.