Plants need bacteria in order to take up and use which element?


I think #3
Thanks for checking my answer

yep nitrogen requires bacteria to make it into a energy

I tend to agree with you. That is why it is a good idea to plant beans once in a while.


You're on the right track! Plants do indeed need bacteria in order to take up and use nitrogen, making option #3 the correct answer.

To explain how you can find the answer yourself, it's important to understand the symbiotic relationship between plants and bacteria. Some bacteria, known as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, form mutually beneficial relationships with certain plants. These bacteria have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen (which plants cannot directly use) into a form that plants can easily absorb and use for their growth and development.

To determine the correct answer to this question, one could recall that nitrogen is an essential element for plant growth. However, plants cannot directly access and utilize the abundant atmospheric nitrogen. Instead, they rely on symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria or the absorption of nitrogen compounds from the soil.

Therefore, by understanding the role of bacteria in providing plants with nitrogen, you correctly concluded that plants need bacteria to take up and utilize this vital element.