To describe a sequence of transformations that map triangle ABC onto triangle ABC a student starts with a reflection over the X axis. how should the student complete sequence of transformations to map triangle ABC onto triangle ABC


Note that both triangles are congruent, so no dilations/contractions occured.

Pls I need help with this


To map triangle ABC onto itself, the student has already performed a reflection over the x-axis, which is a single transformation. Since the triangle needs to be mapped onto itself, we don't need to do any additional transformations.

The reflection over the x-axis reverses the positions of the vertices of the triangle, but since the triangle is being reflected onto itself, the resulting triangle will have the same shape and orientation as the original triangle ABC. Thus, the sequence of transformations is just a single reflection over the x-axis.

In summary, the student does not need to do any additional transformations after the initial reflection over the x-axis to map triangle ABC onto itself.

you don't give much to go on. If ABC maps to ABC, then the reflection must be undone. That is, repeated.

I suspect you meant ABC maps to A'B'C' -- but with no other information, there's not much that can be done.