Need help matching the numbers to a - f. I need some explanations to understand.

4. The water enters the pump at a low pressure and the pump does work on the water to eject it at high pressure and with more energy.

5. The water pump provides the motive force that pushes water through the pipes.

6. The water pump gives the water energy to move around the pipes.

7. The water current travels from one side of the pump, around the pipes, back to the other side of the pump.

8. The water current will be divided between pipes if any branches are present.

9. The water current slows down when it passes through a filter and loses some of its energy. The strength of the filter will determine how much energy the water loses.


A. Electric current travels from one side of the battery, around the circuit, back to the other side of the battery.

B. Resistors slow down electrical current and the current will lose some electric potential energy. The higher the resistance the more electric potential energy the current will lose.

C. The electrons enter the battery with a low electric potential energy and the battery does work on the electrons to eject them at high voltage and with more energy.

D. The battery gives the electrons electric potential energy to move around the circuit.

E. The battery provides the motive force that pushes electrons through the wires.

F. Electrical current will be divided between wires if there are any branches present in the circuit.

This comparison exercise provides an analogy between

- water flow with electric current (electron flow)
- mechanical energy (kinetic energy) with electrical potential energy
- water pump and battery

Please give it a try by substitution of the analogies and match.
Post what you get to check your attempts.

To match the numbers to the corresponding statements, let's analyze the similarities between the two sets of statements:

1. Both sets involve a flow of something (water in the first set, electric current in the second set) that is being moved or pushed through a system (pipes in the first set, wires and a circuit in the second set) with the help of a specific device (a water pump in the first set, a battery in the second set).

2. Both sets mention the concept of input energy and output energy. In the first set, the water pump does work on the water to increase its pressure and energy, while in the second set, the battery does work on the electrons to increase their electric potential energy.

Now, let's try to match the statements:

4. Statement 4 in the first set describes the process of a water pump increasing the pressure and energy of the water. The corresponding statement in the second set that describes a similar process is C. The battery does work on the electrons to increase their electric potential energy.

5. Statement 5 in the first set mentions that the water pump provides the motive force to move water through the pipes. The corresponding statement in the second set that describes a similar concept is E. The battery provides the motive force that pushes electrons through the wires.

6. Statement 6 in the first set states that the water pump gives the water energy to move around the pipes. The corresponding statement in the second set that describes a similar process is D. The battery gives the electrons electric potential energy to move around the circuit.

7. Statement 7 in the first set describes the path of the water current, moving from one side of the pump, around the pipes, and back to the other side of the pump. The corresponding statement in the second set that describes a similar concept is A. Electric current travels from one side of the battery, around the circuit, back to the other side of the battery.

8. Statement 8 in the first set explains that the water current will be divided between pipes if any branches are present. The corresponding statement in the second set that describes a similar concept is F. Electrical current will be divided between wires if there are any branches present in the circuit.

9. Statement 9 in the first set mentions that the water current slows down and loses energy when passing through a filter. The corresponding statement in the second set that describes a similar process is B. Resistors slow down electrical current and the current will lose some electric potential energy.

Based on these comparisons, the matching pairs would be:

4. C
5. E
6. D
7. A
8. F
9. B