I know I posted this before but I have some specific questions I need help with now.

Imagine that you have been chosen to develop a United Student World Assembly (USWA). Among the assembly's goals are promoting cooperation and understanding among students around the world. You must prepare a draft charter of the USWA. The charter should include the following:
• Preamble explaining the goals of the USWA (at least one fully developed paragraph in length)
• Structure of the organization (at least one fully developed paragraph in length)
• Location for assembly meetings
• Rules for making decisions (at least two fully developed paragraphs in length)
• Discussion of at least one major issue facing students today and possible solutions to this problem (at least two fully developed paragraphs in length)

So I already wrote the preamble and the location for meetings.
I need help with writing the structure of the organization. What exactly do I include in this?
Also, for the rules for making decisions, I needed some ideas. I don't know how to write 2 whole paragraphs on that.
And last, I needed help with the major issue facing students today. The issue I chose was drug use and I already started writing a little bit. I was thinking I could detail the issue in one paragraph and provide solutions in another paragraph (since it has to be 2 paragraphs). But I can't find or think of any solutions to drug use.

Sorry if I have too many questions.



Rules for making decisions? Does the board and/or the officers have authority to do something without a vote of the whole membership? If it's a "world" organization, how will the membership meet to make decisions (say, to take a position on human rights of children/students)? And, how will this organization be funded? Will there be dues, will it seek grants, or how?

Google how to combat drug abuse/addiction. There are lots of ideas out there.

No problem at all! I'm here to help you with your questions. Let's break it down and address each of your concerns step by step.

1. Structure of the organization:
When discussing the structure of the United Student World Assembly (USWA), you should include the following points:
- The leadership structure: Are there specific positions, such as a President, Vice President, Secretary-General, or Executive Committee?
- The representation of member countries: How will different countries be represented in the assembly? Are there delegates from each country or regions?
- The decision-making process: How will decisions be made within the organization? Will it be based on voting, consensus, or any other mechanism?
- The communication channels: How will information be shared among members? Will there be regular meetings, online platforms, or any other means of communication?

2. Rules for making decisions:
To write two paragraphs outlining the rules for making decisions, you can consider the following points:
- Discuss the decision-making process in the USWA, explaining how ideas or proposals are presented and discussed.
- State how voting or consensus is reached in the assembly and how disputes or disagreements will be managed.
- Mention any specific rules or procedures that need to be followed during decision-making to ensure fairness and inclusivity.
- Discuss the importance of transparency and accountability in the decision-making process, highlighting the need for member involvement and input.

3. Major issue facing students today - Drug use:
When discussing the major issue of drug use among students, you can approach it as follows:

Paragraph 1 - Issue Description:
- Define the problem of drug use among students, providing some statistics or evidence to support the severity of the issue.
- Explain the consequences of drug use on academic performance, physical and mental health, and overall well-being of students.
- Discuss any underlying factors contributing to the problem, such as peer pressure, stress, or lack of awareness.

Paragraph 2 - Possible Solutions:
- Offer solutions or strategies to address the issue of drug use among students. These could include:
- Educational campaigns and awareness programs: Provide information about the consequences of drug use and emphasize the importance of making healthy choices.
- Counseling and support services: Establish accessible support systems where students can seek help and guidance if they are struggling with drug addiction or related issues.
- Peer mentoring programs: Encourage positive role models among students to support and inspire their peers, promoting a drug-free lifestyle.
- Collaboration with relevant organizations: Partner with health organizations or anti-drug campaigns to leverage their expertise and resources in tackling the issue.

Remember that providing solutions is not always easy, and some complex issues may require a multi-faceted approach. Your suggestions can be a starting point for brainstorming and further exploration.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.