name 5–7 important events from Chinese, Mongolian, or Taiwanese history.

I recommend you read your text materials to discover what some of those events were. No one is going to tell you what your assigned reading says.

I think you should google it. I find a ton of great articles on there that can really help.

Mr. Skill --please do not post answers unless you can really help the student.

Ok sorry.

To find 5-7 important events from Chinese, Mongolian, or Taiwanese history, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting research on the history of each region separately. Look for reliable sources like history books, online encyclopedias, or academic journals.

2. Narrow down your search to Chinese, Mongolian, or Taiwanese history, depending on which region you're interested in.

3. Here are five important historical events from each region:

a. Chinese History:
- The Unification of China under the Qin Dynasty (221 BCE)
- The Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE), a period of economic and cultural prosperity
- The fall of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280 CE)
- The Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE), a golden age of Chinese civilization
- The Opium Wars (1839-1842 and 1856-1860), which led to significant changes in China's relationship with the West

b. Mongolian History:
- The Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan (1206-1227), one of the largest empires in history
- The Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), when Mongols ruled over China
- The Mongol Conquests and their impact on Eurasian history
- The Mongol Empire's collapse and the division into separate Mongol khanates
- The Qing Dynasty's incorporation of Mongolia into the Chinese empire (1691)

c. Taiwanese History:
- Dutch colonization of Taiwan (1624-1662)
- Chinese migration to Taiwan and the establishment of Chinese rule (17th-19th century)
- The Japanese colonization of Taiwan (1895-1945)
- The Chinese Civil War and the retreat of the Kuomintang to Taiwan (1945-1949)
- The economic and democratic development of Taiwan since the 1980s

Remember, these events are just a glimpse into the vast history of these regions. For a more comprehensive understanding, additional research is encouraged.