Identify the language used in the poem by eve merriam

I did a google search on your phrase and the first hit got

"her concentration on the eccentricities and idiosyncracies of the English language, and her broad use of poetic devices, such as onomatopoeia, inner rhyme, alliteration, ..."
So you may wish to use a similar search.

To identify the language used in a poem by Eve Merriam, you can follow these steps:

1. Find the title of the poem: Take a moment to locate the title of the poem written by Eve Merriam. This information is crucial for identifying the language used.

2. Search for information about the poem: Begin by conducting a search on the internet or in literary databases for the specific poem by Eve Merriam. Look for reputable sources such as poetry collections, anthologies, or educational websites relating to her work.

3. Examine the background of the poet: Research the background of Eve Merriam to gain insights into her writing style and linguistic preferences. Understanding an author's background can provide context and a better understanding of the language used in their work.

4. Analyze the poem itself: After familiarizing yourself with Eve Merriam's body of work, take a thorough read through the poem in question. Pay attention to the vocabulary, syntax, and any distinct stylistic choices she may have made. This examination will help you determine the language used in the poem.

By following these steps and engaging in research, you will be able to identify the language used in the poem by Eve Merriam.