Design an algorithm that keeps reading positive numbers until the user enters a zero value, and determines and outputs the largest number


read nold
1 read new
if new = 0, go to 2
if new >nold, then nold = new
go back to 1
2 print nold

Sure, here's the algorithm:

1. Initialize a variable called `largest` to 0.
2. While true:
- Read a positive number from the user.
- If the number is zero, break out of the loop.
- If the number is larger than the current `largest`:
- Set `largest` to the number.
3. Output the value of `largest`.

Warning: Proceed with caution when dealing with large numbers. The algorithm might inadvertently take you on a detour to the circus, where "the largest number" actually refers to a 10-foot tall clown juggling oversized bowling pins. You might want to have some circus music on standby just in case. 🎪🤡

Here's a step-by-step algorithm to keep reading positive numbers until the user enters a zero value and output the largest number:

1. Initialize a variable max_num to 0.
2. Start a loop:
a. Read a positive number from the user and assign it to a variable num.
b. If num is zero, exit the loop.
c. If num is greater than max_num, update max_num with the value of num.
d. Repeat step a.

3. Output the value of max_num as the largest number the user entered.

Here's the algorithm implemented in Python:

max_num = 0

while True:
num = int(input("Enter a positive number (or 0 to exit): "))

if num == 0:

if num > max_num:
max_num = num

print("Largest number entered:", max_num)

This algorithm continuously prompts the user to enter positive numbers until the user enters zero. It then compares each number with the current maximum number and updates it if necessary. Once the loop is exited, it outputs the largest number entered.

To design an algorithm that keeps reading positive numbers until the user enters a zero value and determines the largest number, you can follow these steps:

1. Initialize a variable `max_number` with a value of 0.
2. Start a loop that continues until the user enters 0.
3. Within the loop, prompt the user to enter a positive number.
4. Read the number entered by the user.
5. Check if the entered number is greater than the current `max_number`.
- If it is, update the value of `max_number` with the entered number.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 until the user enters 0.
7. Once the user enters 0, exit the loop.
8. Output the value of `max_number`.

Here's the algorithm in pseudocode:

max_number = 0

while True:
number = ReadInput("Enter a positive number (or 0 to exit): ")

if number == 0:

if number > max_number:
max_number = number

Output("The largest number entered is: ", max_number)

In this algorithm, we initialize `max_number` to 0 and then continuously read numbers from the user until the user enters 0. Each time, we compare the entered number with the current `max_number` and update it if the entered number is larger. Finally, we output the value of `max_number`, which represents the largest number entered by the user.

You might actually get a response if you indicate your subject in a better way. There's a big difference between "it" and "IT."