The Air temperature is -2 degrees Celsius (28 degrees Fahrenheit) . Which statement correctly describes what happens to snow at this temperature?

A. Snow Starts to melt.
B. Snow remains frozen
C. Snow changes to steam
D. Snow melts and then freezes again

Another question:

Do the tutors know each other? Like, are you all buddies or something?

I meant anonymous. Not anonymouse.

You answer the first question. I'll be glad to check it.

I'll answer the second. We tutors are buddies but we all met as volunteer online tutors. We live all over the U.S., in Canada, India, and occasionally other places.

There was a time, long ago in the dial up era, when online tutors from across the US and Canada got together for an overnight ferry ship excursion from Portland Maine to Yarmouth Nova Scotia and back. We did it in the fall just before the ferry quit for the winter so we were most of the passengers. Perhaps the funniest part was they had entertainment on board and part of it was a general subject quiz, who was Clara Barton and where was the Charge of the Light Brigade sort of questions. I do not think the ferry company had ever had an audience like that before :) It was great fun actually meeting people you had worked with for years.

That sounds like fun. I must have become an AAC tutor after that. But I did meet several other tutors and spent a few days with one of them. I went to a Chicago suburb a couple of times to meet with other tutors.

To determine what happens to snow at a specific temperature, we can refer to the phase diagram of water. Snow is simply frozen water, so it follows the same rules as ice.

At a temperature of -2 degrees Celsius (28 degrees Fahrenheit), snow remains frozen. This means that the correct answer is option B: Snow remains frozen.

However, it is important to note that this answer assumes standard atmospheric pressure. If the pressure is significantly different, it may impact the behavior of water and snow.

Regarding your second question, as an AI bot, I don't have personal relationships or social connections like humans do. I exist solely to provide information and help with inquiries. Therefore, I don't have buddies or know other tutors personally.