A differential equation question

Find the general solution to the equation

(dy/dx)^2 + sinxcos^2x(dy/dx) - sin^4x = 0


(dy/dx)^2 + sinx cosx (dy/dx) - sin^4x = 0

You sure about that? Because --

On the other hand, if you meant
y" + sinx cosx y' = sin^4x
Then you can substitute u=y' and get
u' + sinx cosx u = sin^4x
Then use the integrating factor e^(∫sinx cosx dx) = e^(1/2 sin^2x) to solve for u, and then let y = ∫u du

I took a 2nd look at this, and it occurred to me how to solve what you had typed.

y'^2 + sinx cosx y' = sin^4x
y'^2 + sinx cosx y' + sin^2x cos^2x/4 = sin^4x + sin^2x cos^2x/4
4y'^2 + 4sinx cosx y' + sin^2x cos^2x = 4sin^4x + sin^2x cos^2x
(2y' + sinx cosx)^2 = sin^2x(4sin^2x-cos^2x)
2y' + sinx cosx = ±sinx √(1-3cos^2x)
4y' = -sin2x ±u√(1-3u^2) where u=cosx
y' = 1/2 cos2x ± 1/9 (1-3cos^2x)^(3/2) + c

Double-check. sometimes wolframalpha.com comes up with complicated and convoluted solutions.

To find the general solution to the given differential equation, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Let's first consider the equation in terms of the derivative dy/dx: (dy/dx)^2 + sin(x)cos^2(x)(dy/dx) - sin^4(x) = 0.

Step 2: Now, observe that this equation is of the quadratic form. Let's substitute dy/dx with a new variable, say v, to simplify the equation. So, we have v^2 + sin(x)cos^2(x)v - sin^4(x) = 0.

Step 3: The above quadratic equation can be factored. Let's find the factors of sin(x)cos^2(x) and sin^4(x) so that we can rewrite the equation in factored form.

sin(x)cos^2(x)v^2 + sin^5(x) - sin^4(x)v = 0

sin^4(x)(cos^2(x)v^2 + sin(x) - v) = 0

Now, the equation becomes sin^4(x)(cos^2(x)v^2 + sin(x) - v) = 0.

Step 4: Since sin^4(x) is never equal to zero, we can divide both sides of the equation by sin^4(x) to get:

cos^2(x)v^2 + sin(x) - v = 0

Step 5: Now, we have a quadratic equation with respect to v. We can solve this quadratic equation by using the quadratic formula:

v = (-B ± sqrt(B^2 - 4AC)) / 2A

In our case, A = 1, B = sin(x), and C = -1. Plugging these values into the quadratic formula, we get:

v = (-sin(x) ± sqrt(sin^2(x) + 4cos^2(x))) / (2cos^2(x))

Step 6: Simplifying the expression inside the square root, we have:

sqrt(sin^2(x) + 4cos^2(x)) = sqrt(sin^2(x) + (2cos(x))^2)

= sqrt(sin^2(x) + (2cos^2(x) - 4sin^2(x)))

= sqrt(2cos^2(x) - 3sin^2(x))

Step 7: Substitute this expression back into the equation for v:

v = (-sin(x) ± sqrt(2cos^2(x) - 3sin^2(x))) / (2cos^2(x))

Hence, we obtain the general solution to the given differential equation:

dy/dx = (-sin(x) ± sqrt(2cos^2(x) - 3sin^2(x))) / (2cos^2(x))

This can also be expressed as:

dy/dx = (-sin(x) ± sqrt(2 - 3tan^2(x))) / (2sec^2(x))