1.) Which sentence contains an indirect object

Answer sign: ***

A.) The radio warned us of the storm
B.) The police gave everyone 3 hours to evacuate
C.) Carl remained home on the island
D.) He escaped the storm in a boat***

Ms. Sue, I've seen you say "You're on your own now." to other students who are looking for HELP. You can't just tell a student to not post this question again. They need help, and are looking for help. I'm not trying to come off as rude, but maybe you could actually help them work the problem out, not just post a link to a website.

Which of these sentences contains an indirect object? *

The doctors will give Charlie an operation.
Charlie is scared of the procedure.
He carries a rabbit’s foot for luck.
The operation seems successful.



so its c?


I've checked two of your guesses. You're on your own now. Please do not post this question again.

To identify which sentence contains an indirect object, we need to understand what an indirect object is. An indirect object is a noun or pronoun that receives the direct object. In other words, it tells to whom or for whom the action is done.

For example, in the sentence "The police gave everyone 3 hours to evacuate," the direct object is "3 hours," and the indirect object is "everyone" because the police gave something to someone.

Now, let's analyze each option:

A.) The radio warned us of the storm.
In this sentence, there is no indirect object. It only contains a subject "radio," a verb "warned," and a direct object "us."

B.) The police gave everyone 3 hours to evacuate.
In this sentence, the direct object is "3 hours," and the indirect object is "everyone." Therefore, this option contains an indirect object.

C.) Carl remained home on the island.
In this sentence, there is no direct or indirect object. It only contains a subject "Carl" and a verb "remained."

D.) He escaped the storm in a boat.
In this sentence, there is no indirect object. It only contains a subject "He," a verb "escaped," and a direct object "the storm."

Therefore, the sentence that contains an indirect object is B.) The police gave everyone 3 hours to evacuate.