Isosceles triangle XYZ is placed on a coordinate plane to be used for a coordinate proof. What should the coordinates of its vertices be?

a. (-a,0), (0,0), (a,0)
b. (0,0), (0,-a), (-a,0)
c. (0,0), (0,a), (a,0)
d. (0,0), (0,-a), (a,0)



Although not my area of expertise, I would go with c)

a) is clearly out as it represents a straight line. b), c) and d) are all valid points for an Isosceles triangle. However, only c is in the postive quadrant. Corodinate proofs in the negative quadrants are, apparently, confusing and cumbersome.

angle jnk is congruent to lnm prove that angle jnl is congruent to angle knm

To prove that angle JNL is congruent to angle KNM, we can use the transitive property of congruence. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to do it:

Step 1: Write down the given information:
- Angle JNK is congruent to angle LNM.

Step 2: Identify any other angles involved:
- Angle JNL and angle KNM are the angles we want to prove as congruent.

Step 3: Use the transitive property:
- Since angle JNK is congruent to angle LNM (given), and angle JNK is also congruent to angle JNL (common side), we can apply the transitive property to state that angle JNL is congruent to angle LNM.
- Similarly, since angle LNM is congruent to angle KNM (given), and angle LNM is also congruent to angle JNL (previous step), we can apply the transitive property to state that angle JNL is congruent to angle KNM.

Therefore, we have proved that angle JNL is congruent to angle KNM.