how do you conclude a speech?

i mean end it, ONLY end it. i know how to start it and the body but i need to know how to E N D it!!!!

One thought is to "leave 'em laughing!"

Your ending should briefly sum up what you've said in your speech. Strive to make the last sentence or two memorable, even if it doesn't leave them laughing.

ok so maybe tell a joke or go back on your intro ( say you used a phrase or comment used by a famous man ), something like that?

Yes, you could do that -- or use a similar quotation.

I always liked the way Dr Baez ended his speeches, he said "And Finally, here is a picture of my dogs" and he put a photo of his two dogs on his front porch.

ok thanks for your help!!!

Certainly! Ending a speech effectively is just as important as the introduction and body. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to conclude a speech:

1. Summarize your main points: Start by briefly restating the main points you have covered in your speech. This helps reinforce your key message and reminds your audience of the information you have shared.

2. Reinforce the central message: Emphasize the core message you want your audience to take away from your speech. This can be done by summarizing it using a memorable phrase or reinforcing it with a powerful quote or statistic.

3. Provide a call to action or solution: Encourage your audience to take action or present a solution to the problem you discussed in your speech. This could involve suggesting a specific action they can take, offering resources for further information, or proposing ways to implement the ideas you presented.

4. Use a memorable closing statement: Craft a strong and memorable closing statement that leaves a lasting impact on your audience. This can be a thought-provoking question, a powerful quote, a personal anecdote, or a call for reflection.

5. End with a strong delivery: Pay attention to your tone, pace, and body language during the final moments of your speech. Conclude with confidence, maintaining eye contact with your audience and projecting your voice.

Remember, your conclusion should tie everything together and leave a lasting impression on your listeners. Practice your conclusion beforehand to ensure a smooth and impactful ending to your speech.