Alright, so in my workplace I'm analyzing an iOS backup and I have different fields on a database.

This are: MagneticX, MagneticY, MagneticZ, BiasX, BiasY, BiasZ, Level, Magnitude, Inclination, MagnitudeStd, InclinationStd.

In the following picture you can see an example: imgur(dot)com/NFyuTdx(dot)png

Thing is, I know what the Magnetic field is, but I'm trying to get the latitude and longitude from this database and the values I'm getting are wrong.

Anyone knows a way of translating Magnetic coordinates into latitude and longitude?

Thank you very much.

I did a google searched and the first hit in the list gave a great many references to your question. Happy hunting :)

Nope, you are wrong, there is nothing on google, believe me, I checked.

Maybe you are seeing a blog post or something talking about this db but it is the older version, not the actual one. Apple modified it some years ago now they don't have anything alike.

AEC. When you tell a teacher there is nothing after they have told you go look, you shoot your believably to zero. I searched "anyone knows a way of translating Magnetic coordinates into latitude and longitude". I got many links, it took me 2 minutes to find a conversion applet: . You have to click the choice magnetic to geographic, and enter the coordinates.

To translate magnetic coordinates into latitude and longitude, you need to understand the concept of magnetic declination. Magnetic declination is the angle between true north and magnetic north at a specific location.

To convert magnetic coordinates to geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude), follow these steps:

1. Determine the magnetic declination for your location. You can use online tools or resources provided by your local geological survey or navigation authorities. Magnetic declination typically changes over time, so make sure to use the correct value for the date of your data.

2. Once you have the magnetic declination angle, add or subtract it from the magnetic direction to obtain the true direction. The magnetic direction is typically represented by the inclination and magnitude.

- In your case, the magnetic direction is given by the values in the fields MagneticX, MagneticY, and MagneticZ.
- The inclination is the angle between the magnetic field vector and the horizontal plane.
- The magnitude represents the strength or intensity of the magnetic field.

3. Use the true direction and the location information to calculate the latitude and longitude.

It is important to note that the calculation of geographic coordinates from magnetic coordinates is an approximation and may have some limitations due to various factors such as local magnetic anomalies or inaccuracies in the magnetic declination estimation.

You can use libraries or formulas specifically designed for this conversion, such as the World Magnetic Model (WMM) or the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF), to perform the necessary calculations programmatically. These models take into account various factors and provide more accurate results.

Remember to always use the appropriate magnetic declination values and consider any necessary adjustments for the specific date and location of your data.