What will be the punctuation marks on the sentence 'my brother sister and I grew up in a very nature friendly atmosphere

"My brother, sister, and I grew up in a very nature-friendly atmosphere."

The comma after sister is sometimes optional, depending on who you talk to.

My brother, sister, and I grew up in a very nature-friendly atmosphere. This is what Grammarly said was correct.

The punctuation marks needed for the sentence "My brother, sister, and I grew up in a very nature-friendly atmosphere" are a comma before and after the word "sister," and a comma after the word "I." This is because we are using commas to separate the items in a list (brother, sister, and I).

To determine the correct punctuation marks, follow these steps:

1. Identify the items in the list: In this sentence, the items in the list are "brother," "sister," and "I."

2. Determine where to place commas: Commas are needed to separate each item in the list. Place a comma after the first item ("brother") and before the conjunction ("and"). Then, place another comma after the second item ("sister").

3. Add any other necessary punctuation: In this case, a comma is also needed after the word "I" to separate it from the rest of the sentence.

By following these steps, you can determine the correct punctuation marks for this particular sentence.