the scale of a map is 2cm:15km find the actual distance for 2.1cm

2/15 = 2.1 /x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To find the actual distance for 2.1cm on a map with a scale of 2cm:15km, you can set up a proportion.

The given scale is 2cm:15km, which means that for every 2 centimeters on the map, it represents 15 kilometers in real life.

Let's set up the proportion:

2 cm / 15 km = 2.1 cm / x

To find the value of x (the actual distance), we can cross multiply:

2 cm * x = 15 km * 2.1 cm

Now, solve for x:

2x = 31.5 km·cm

To convert km·cm to kilometers, divide by 1000 (since there are 1000 meters in a kilometer):

2x = 0.0315 km·m

x = 0.0315 km·m / 2

x = 0.01575 km

Therefore, for 2.1cm on the map, the actual distance is approximately 0.01575 kilometers (or 15.75 meters).