1.What is the mass of 2.0 moles of LiOH?

Atomic mass Li + atomic mass O + atomic mass H = molar mass LiOH.
grams in 2 mol = #mols x molar mass.

To find the mass of 2.0 moles of LiOH, we need to first calculate the molar mass of LiOH.

The molar mass is the sum of the atomic masses of each element in the compound.

The atomic mass of Li (Lithium) is approximately 6.941 g/mol, the atomic mass of O (Oxygen) is approximately 15.999 g/mol, and the atomic mass of H (Hydrogen) is approximately 1.007 g/mol.

Molar mass of LiOH = (atomic mass of Li) + (atomic mass of O) + (atomic mass of H)
= 6.941 g/mol + 15.999 g/mol + 1.007 g/mol
= 23.947 g/mol

Now that we have calculated the molar mass of LiOH, we can find the mass of 2.0 moles of LiOH.

Mass of LiOH = (number of moles) x (molar mass)
= 2.0 mol x 23.947 g/mol
= 47.894 g

Therefore, the mass of 2.0 moles of LiOH is 47.894 grams.