Which is an irrational number?

D: 0.11111
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Also it would be appreciated if someone gave all the answers to the quiz


ur welcome

To determine which option is an irrational number, we need to understand what an irrational number is. An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction or a ratio of two integers. It cannot be written as a simple fraction or a repeating or terminating decimal.

Looking at the options provided:
A: 0.12*** - This number has a repeating pattern of digits, indicated by the asterisks, which means it can be written as a repeating decimal. Since it can be expressed as a fraction, it is not an irrational number.
B: 0.1257486 - This number is a non-repeating decimal, but it can still be expressed as a finite decimal. It can be written as the fraction 1257486/10000000. Therefore, it is not an irrational number.
C: 0.12121212 - This number has a repeating pattern of digits, and it can be expressed as the fraction 12/99. Therefore, it is not an irrational number.
D: 0.11111 - This number also has a repeating pattern of digits, and it can be expressed as the fraction 1/9. Therefore, it is not an irrational number.

From the given options, none of them are irrational numbers.


Another cheater. If anyone posts these answers, both of you will be banned.