Which of the following characteristics are true for both plants' and animals' reproduction?

alternation of generation

They carry hereditary material from parent.

characterized by sexual reproduction

The offspring looks identical to its parents.


nope, plants reproduce asexually, and sexually.

y'all peeps are out of control and rude. At least they tried. They aren't magical and see you from miles away. At least they took the time to answer your question and as for the rest of y'all chill the heck out, and let those to bicker it out.

what are the answers

I THINK the answer is B? Cos it says "They carry heredity matirel from parent ''

he is sooooooooo wrong

im just here so i dont get fined

The fact that number 3 isn't a multiple choice tell us that your answer giver is wrong 😒😂😂

Hey guys, if you guys have nothing good to say don't say it all. The teachers they take there time to help us out and YOU guys are taking advantage of them you need to say sorry to the teachers. (By Kevin)

i just want the answer pls. smh