why dose the mass not change if you brake a cookie in have

1.What was the purpose of Jim Crow laws in South Carolina?

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As to the cookie, is the less cookie if it's broken into pieces? It's all there, isn't it, just in pieces.

When you break a cookie in half, the total mass of the cookie remains the same. This phenomenon is due to the law of conservation of mass, which states that mass cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical or physical process. Whether you have a whole cookie or two halves of a cookie, the total amount of matter (mass) in the system stays constant.

To visually understand this, imagine you have a cookie weighing 100 grams. When you break it in half, you will have two cookie halves weighing 50 grams each. Even though the shape and size of the cookie changes, the amount of material that makes up the cookie remains the same. So, the total mass of the cookie is still 100 grams.

To verify this, you can use a kitchen scale to weigh the cookie before and after breaking it. You will find that the total mass remains constant, proving the law of conservation of mass.