Suzanne wants to put a fence around her square garden. If the garden covers an area of 100 ft, how many feet of fencing does she need?

20 ft***
40 ft
10 ft
400 ft

Which number is an irrational number?

0.1212121212........ (my answer is this one that i am typing on lol)

Which number is a perfect square?
I dont understand this question, what does it mean by "perfect square' square root maybe ??

Sam purchased 625 square feet of carpet for his bedroom, which is shaped as a square. What are the dimensions of his bedroom?
Each side of the bedroom has a length of 25 feet.
Each side of the bedroom has a length of 156.25 feet.
Each side of the bedroom has a length of 390,625 feet.
Each side of the bedroom has a length of 312.5 feet
I think it is either 25 feet or 156.25 feet.

Estimate the value of square root of 50

between 5 and 6
between 6 and 7
between 7 and 8****
between 8 and 9

Thank you for taking the time to go through my answers , if you could help i would be grateful

Some of yall needs this if your conxus and doing math 7 then these are the answer

Your welcome

This is a Repost, could someone help me ?

Which number is a perfect square would be 144 not 32 just realized my mistake

the garden is 10x10, so p=40

any repeating decimal is rational, so none of the choices is irrational

yes, 144 is a perfect square

625 = 25*25

the last one is correct, since 49 < 50 < 64

i need answers

The answer is YOUR MOMS BUTT

Sure, I'd be happy to help! Let's go through each question and explain how to find the correct answer.

1. Suzanne wants to put a fence around her square garden. If the garden covers an area of 100 ft, how many feet of fencing does she need?
To find the amount of fencing needed, first, we need to determine the length of one side of the square garden. Since the garden is square and its area is given as 100 ft², we can find the length of one side by taking the square root of 100. The square root of 100 is 10, so one side of the garden is 10 ft. Now, to find the amount of fencing needed, we calculate the perimeter of the garden by multiplying the length of one side by 4 (since all sides of a square are equal). Therefore, Suzanne needs 10 ft × 4 = 40 ft of fencing. Therefore, the correct answer is 40 ft.

2. Which number is an irrational number?
An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a simple fraction or as a terminating or repeating decimal. Among the options given, 0.1212121212... is the repeating decimal, which means it continues indefinitely without a pattern. Therefore, the correct answer is 0.1212121212....

3. Which number is a perfect square?
A perfect square is a number that can be expressed as the square of an integer. In other words, if you take the square root of a perfect square, you will get a whole number. Among the options given, 32 is not a perfect square because its square root is not a whole number. However, 144 is a perfect square because its square root is 12. Therefore, the correct answer is 144.

4. Sam purchased 625 square feet of carpet for his bedroom, which is shaped as a square. What are the dimensions of his bedroom?
Since the bedroom is square and the area is 625 square feet, we need to find the square root of 625 to determine the length of one side of the square. The square root of 625 is 25, so each side of the bedroom has a length of 25 feet. Therefore, the correct answer is 25 feet.

5. Estimate the value of the square root of 50.
To estimate the value of the square root of 50, we need to find the two integers between which the square root of 50 lies. In this case, the square root of 50 is between 7 and 8 because 7 squared (49) is less than 50, and 8 squared (64) is greater than 50. Therefore, the correct answer is between 7 and 8.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.