Examples of JavaFX GUI classes are: Stage, Scene, Parent and Node.


1) true

The correct answer is 1) true.

JavaFX is a Java library that provides a set of classes and APIs for creating rich graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in a cross-platform manner. The JavaFX GUI classes mentioned - Stage, Scene, Parent, and Node - are fundamental classes in JavaFX.

1) Stage: The Stage class represents a top-level container for JavaFX applications. It is the primary window or frame that becomes visible on the screen. You can create and configure a Stage object to define the main window of your application.

2) Scene: The Scene class represents the contents of a specific window or screen. It acts as a container for all the visual elements and controls of your GUI. A Scene can be associated with a Stage, and you can switch between different scenes to change the displayed content.

3) Parent: The Parent class is an abstract base class for all JavaFX container classes. It represents a container that can have multiple children. You can add child nodes (such as buttons, labels, etc.) to a Parent container to define the layout and structure of your GUI.

4) Node: The Node class is a fundamental building block of JavaFX GUIs. It represents an individual element or component of your GUI, such as a button, label, text field, etc. All GUI elements in JavaFX are subclasses of the Node class. You can manipulate and arrange nodes within a scene graph to create your desired UI layout.

So, in summary, all of these classes are part of JavaFX and play essential roles in building graphical user interfaces using Java.