Imagine that you have been chosen to develop a United Student World Assembly (USWA). Among the assembly's goals are promoting cooperation and understanding among students around the world. You must prepare a draft charter of the USWA. The charter should include the following:

• Preamble explaining the goals of the USWA (at least one fully developed paragraph in length)
• Structure of the organization (at least one fully developed paragraph in length)
• Location for assembly meetings
• Rules for making decisions (at least two fully developed paragraphs in length)
• Discussion of at least one major issue facing students today and possible solutions to this problem (at least two fully developed paragraphs in length)

Could someone please give me some ideas for this. I have no idea what to write

You may get some ideas from websites about a real website.

Okay. What about the rules for making decisions?

Who is eligible to vote?

Should decisions be made by simple majority? or 60 percent? or ?

Also, for the major issue facing students today, could I talk about drug use? That's all I can think of. But what would the solutions for that be?

drug use, violence (remember there are civil wars several places in the world), economy, preparing for the future, education


Certainly! Here are some ideas to help you develop your draft charter for the United Student World Assembly (USWA):

The United Student World Assembly (USWA) aims to foster global cooperation and understanding among students from different nations. Recognizing the significance of international collaboration, the USWA seeks to create a platform where students can come together, exchange ideas, and address common challenges faced by youth across the globe. By encouraging dialogue, promoting inclusivity, and supporting innovative initiatives, the USWA strives to empower students to become catalysts for positive change in their communities and the world at large.

Structure of the organization:
The USWA shall be structured as a democratic and representative assembly, comprised of student representatives from each participating nation. Each nation shall have a certain number of delegates based on the size of its student population, ensuring fair and proportional representation. The assembly shall elect a President who will oversee the functioning of the USWA and uphold its values and principles. Additionally, various committees and working groups may be established to focus on specific topics and issues pertaining to students globally.

Location for assembly meetings:
The USWA meetings shall be held on a rotational basis, hosted by different member nations. Each member nation will have the opportunity to host the assembly for a specified duration, ensuring equal participation and exposure for all countries. The selection of the hosting country will be determined through a transparent and democratic process, whereby member nations can present their proposals and the assembly collectively decides on the hosting nation for the next session.

Rules for making decisions:
Decision-making within the USWA will be based on democratic principles, ensuring equal participation and respect for diverse perspectives. Major decisions will typically be made through a voting process, where each member nation's delegation will have a single vote. Consensus-based decision-making will also be encouraged, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and negotiation. Furthermore, the USWA will adopt a transparent process, ensuring that all decisions and their justifications are documented and made available to the public.

Major issue facing students and possible solutions:
One major issue facing students today is access to quality education. To address this, the USWA can prioritize the development of initiatives that promote equal educational opportunities for all students worldwide. This can be achieved through collaboration with international organizations, governments, and educational institutions to establish scholarship programs, exchange programs, and online platforms for knowledge sharing. Additionally, the USWA can advocate for policies that prioritize investment in education, ensuring adequate resources and infrastructure are provided to support students from less privileged backgrounds.

Remember, these are just ideas to get you started. Feel free to tailor them to align with your vision and values for the USWA.