I am thinking of a numbet. If you add 3, then subtract 6, then divide by 2, and finally multiply by 4, the result is -8. What is the number

x = number

add 3: x+3
and so on for the other steps...

hi i think the answer is 25

I am thinking of a number, If I add three to it, multiply by 2, subtract 4 then divide by 7. Two is the number I ended up with. What was the number I first thought of?"

To find the number, we can reverse the operations that were applied to it. This way, we can start with the given result and work our way back to the original number. Let's break it down step by step:

1. The final result is -8. We need to reverse the last operation, which was multiplying by 4. To undo this, we divide -8 by 4, giving us -2.

2. Next, we look at the previous operation, which was dividing by 2. Undoing this operation means multiplying -2 by 2, resulting in -4.

3. Following the same approach, we reverse the subtraction by adding 6. Adding 6 to -4 gives us 2.

4. Finally, we undo the first operation, which was adding 3. By subtracting 3 from 2, we get -1.

So, the original number that you were thinking of is -1.